YOU are invited to a sewing party! We will be sewing up dresses and shorts for children in Ethiopia! The party is scheduled for August 28th in Bremerton, WA. Sewing skills are not required. We need many hands to cut, pin, iron, and package our creations. We will be sewing, labeling, and packaging each item with love!
If you are unable to attend, but would like to contribute: we welcome pillowcase and fabric donations. Please email us for a mailing address or to arrange a pick-up.
There is always a need for assistance with shipping costs. Ideally - we would love to send our donations along with a traveling family! If you know of anyone that will be traveling to Ethiopia soon, please have them contact us! Visit littledressesforafrica.org for more information.
If you are local and want to be a part of this all day event, please send your name and email address so that we can be sure to add you to the evite!